I woke up this morning, and asked myself, am I really "old" enough to have a 10 year old? {well of course I am!}
Raina Joy Louise was born at 6:36a.m. on a Friday; weighing in at 8lbs 14oz. I was put on bedrest the day before because my blood pressure was a bit high. (due date was the 16th) I was 17 & living with my parents...I knew I was safe! I went into labor at 1a.m. and 5.5 hours later my little bundle was here! {I'm sad to say, I don't remember all the details 100%, I just know that you arrived safe and as perfect as a baby could be!} I love you baby girl!
My sweet 10 year old! Double Digits!!! Her Birthday "hat" from dad! He can be crafty too! Made from an instant oatmeal box! |
Cadee Emily Grace was born at 9:01a.m. on a Tuesday; weighing in at 8lbs 4oz. We lived on the 3rd floor of an apartment building. So, I believe my pregnancy would have been a whole lot worse than it was, if I didn't have the stairs as my exercise! Being my 4th, I felt so worn down & sick pretty much everyday...{I didn't really get sick with the others} When I was 8 months, we were in the middle of trying to buy a house. YIKES! My due date again was September 16th, and on Monday, the 13th I was feeling pretty ill with slight contractions. By 4pm, I was worried because I couldn't feel her moving around anymore. So my mom took me in, and sure enough I was 3 cm dilated. The doc's still heard a steady heart beat. I told Chris not to come until he was done work at 7. I was told that the more kids you have the shorter and easier the labor. NOPE! Not for me! This little munchkin put me thru 23.5 hours of back labor! WHA???? I pushed for about 45 minutes until she was FINALLY here! When she arrived she had the cord wrapped around her neck, and further testing was done on her kidneys, and she had jaundice! We were in the hospital for 6 days, and all the tests came back negative! Praise the Lord! I love you little one!
I usually send a treat with the kids to school, so this is what I made Raina to take to her class...

So this weekend, Raina's party is tomorrow. She is having a Hawaiian Dance Party. And Cadee is having her party on Sunday. Pizza & a BBQ are on the menu this weekend! Praying for some great weather! Stay tuned for pics next week!
~happy crafting!~
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